Welcome to The Martian Camp. It’s not on the planet Mars nor is it part of the film set for Matt Damon’s “The Martian.” This is our first Mars base hostel, which looks to have fallen from outer space into California’s desert.

In order for you to fully immerse yourself in the Martian atmosphere, we offer spacesuits to wear for photos.

South California

In the haze of sandstorm its hard to know where one is ...

We are committed to preserving the natural environment of the desert while providing a modern and welcoming living environment. For the purpose of reducing environmental pollution, we do not provide any disposable items.

ようこそ、火星人キャンプへ。ここはまるでマット・デイモン主演の映画 "The Martian "の舞台の一部です。ここは、宇宙からカリフォルニアの砂漠に落ちてきたような、初めての火星基地ホステルなのです。

The NASA ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER is just 15 miles from our camp.




〈 The Martian Dome exterior

〈 The Martian Dome interior

The Star Ship will be the supply and activity center of the camp, which will have a star restaurant bar, supply station, souvenir store, guest rooms

〈 The Star Ship exterior

〈 The Star Ship under construction ··· 〉